Celebrating Fiesta of the Holy Cross

On May 3, 2022, the Holy Cross Chapel which located at Malingin, Bogo City had its annual fiesta. The chapel was owned by Ybañez family and the wooden-made of the Holy Cross is estimated more than 100 years. A Holy Mass was conducted before the procession. 


Long time ago, the Ybañez couple had owned hectares of land at Barangay Malingin before it was divided for their daughters. Agaton and Irene had peasant farmers who also lived in their land and among them was the family of Fruto Tillor. Ybañez couple had this wooden Holy Cross when they decided to make a small chapel near Fruto's house. Fruto was 14/15 years young when the chapel was stood. He was married for the second time with his wife Laurencia, and decided to lived in the same location. The couple were the one trusted by the Ybañez couple to take care of the chapel and had novena for nine days. Once a long period of El Niño happened on the smallest community, prayers are about to spent for a rain to come in their place. Without the knowledge from Ybañez couple, the Tillor's couple decided to have procession of the Holy Cross turning around the field where the well as the source of water located on it. And because of that, the rain was given from above. Since then, every year's fiesta they had its procession that was became a tradition of the locale. When the small chapel was destroyed for many years past, the Ybañez transferred nearer it's location and built a new one.