This electronic system of Purok Red Coral of Sitio Laray, Bungtod, Bogo City, Cebu provides information and services that monitors the different households herein. Every household is monitored to facilitate the residents to hold their responsibility as citizens in this community. Faithfully enough to render service for the betterment of the community and to be part of the system as mandated by Ordinance No. 007 - 2017, entiled "An Ordinance Adopting the Purok System in the City of Bogo and Prescribing its Rules, Regulations and Functions". This system gives everyone an update to the residents involved. This also includes documents with information about the residents of the purok and any other documents that supports within. Documentation of made activities and future concrete plans and further updated enclosure. We, the residents in of Purok Red Coral are aiming to serve the community and to cooperate what must need to improve. As being defined, purok refers to a small community of households found in the barangay that exist in the place for a long period of time which organized for certain purposes such as maintaining the peace and order, beautification of the community or other purposes relative to the promotion of the public interest and general welfare. The purok system is a scheme or method of governing the activities of the purok through the component committees and such others that may be created by the People Governance Team that ensure the general welfare of the members, that is made possible by a united and cooperative effort of the members of the purok. Likewise, the purok shall assist the activities and projects made by the LGU and barangay.