Red Coralians: Oranges on the Clean and Green Community

Red Coralians: Oranges on the Clean and Green Community

by Percilito C. Tillor

          Last October 6, 2019, the residents of Purok Red Coral had their monthly Pentakasi which they cleaned the road within the purok's perspective. They wore their purok's shirt on orange color and everyone were happy to serve their own community. The clean - up activity was headed by the very active Purok President of Purok Red Coral, Mr. Rife D. Avenido. This was the first time ever where the residents united again wearing their official T-shirts on a certain cause. They had simultaneously cooperating to each other in cleaning their surrounding in order the place would be a place to visit.

          While waiting for their parents who were busy during the monthly clean - up activity yesterday, the little children found a way not be bored waiting but instead, they engaged themselves to play and enjoyed their role as children. In the history of Sitio Laray, children before on the mid - 80's, had made themselves into recreational activities in order to enjoy. Wow! That was a fantastic history of the sitio where some pleasures of the kids before, now was inherited by this newest generation specifically the 2010 generation and onward. 

          Purok Red Coral is one of the purok system which continues to serve the community and always looking forward to the betterment of the people and residents. Cleanliness is one of the concerns of the purok and initiative to care the environment and the Mother Earth. Purok Red Coral never stops to find better opportunities especially in education, agriculture and livelihood, environmental protection and health. To make a better community shall start on the neighborhood and cooperation to one another.